“The Word became flesh” is the supreme revelation.
When we try to know God, neither rational reason nor experiential mysticism suffice. God became a real being in history because he knew Himself. When “the Word became flesh,” the glory of God appeared. The words that clearly reveal the character of God’s glory are “grace and truth” (John 1:14). Grace refers to God’s covenant love, and truth refers to the external reality that exists in reality.
This is known as the Christmas event. The meaning of Christmas is a cosmic event that transcends the pleasure and joy of the human dimension and is an event of new creation. At the same time, it is the greatest revelation that reveals God Himself.
As a partner of World Mission University, thank you to all of you who work together for WMU. Your prayers and support go unnoticed, but today I acknowledge and thank you for all you do and for your dedication.